We hope you have some time, while in Omaha, to enjoy some of our favorites!
Our Top Ten Restaurants (in no particular order...)
1. Jazz: A Louisiana Kitchen* (www.jazzkitchens.com)
2. Louie M's Burger Lust*
3. California Tacos and More* (www.californiatacosandmore.com)
4. Pizza Shoppe (www.pizzashoppeandpub.com)
5. Rick's Boatyard Cafe* (www.rickscafeboatyardomaha.com)
6. Upstream Brewing Company* (www.upstreambrewing.com)
7. Dundee Dell (www.dundeedell.com)
8. Taste (www.tastedining.com)
9. Julio's* (www.julios.com)
10. Brew Burgers (www.brewburgersomaha.com)
Our Top Ten Places to Visit (again, in no particular order...)
1. The Homy Inn
2. Filmstreams Theater* (www.filmstreams.org)
3. Henry Doorly Zoo (www.omahazoo.com)
4. Joslyn Art Museum* (www.joslyn.org)
5. The Durham Museum* (www.durhammuseum.org)
6. Creighton University* (www.creighton.edu)
7. Slowdown* (www.theslowdown.com)
8. Bellevue Berry Farm (www.bellevueberryfarm.com)
9. Old Market* (www.oldmarket.com)
10. Casinos (www.ameristar.com/council/index.asp and www.harrahscouncilbluffs.com)
*Within three miles of hotel and thus eligible for complementary shuttle to and from hotel.
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